
 Join us on a journey through time tracing the roots of our spiritual family.  We will travel to Italy, France, Germany, Scotland, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Wales, and England, the homelands of forefathers such as John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, Columbanus, Aidan, and John Calvin.  Much to see and much to learn in this Lineage Series

Can the dead speak to us? Are ghosts or spirits among us? Was that really a loved one who appeared before you? Death Unraveled explores these questions, and the serious consequences of accepting human wisdom, tradition and mythology.  Death Unraveled will answer some of these questions.
View Death Unraveled

Pseudology The Art of Lying
The entertainment industry has long stood as one of the most influential businesses on the planet.

Yet there is an overwhelming misconception that its content has no effect upon your life. Exactly how much of an effect media has upon you has been measured by the advertising industry, which regularly uses hypnosis and psychology to sell you their products.

Are movie producers using these same tactics to sell you a belief system? See the scientific evidence in our latest documentary that takes an in-depth look into the pseudology of the entertainment industry and reveals how the movies are reshaping your views of God to you and your family.

Little Light Studios captured interviews from:
Dr. Dimitri Christakis, Pediatrician and Director, Seattle Children’s Hospital;
Paul Zak, Neuroeconomist, Claremont Graduate University;
Neal Nedley M.D., Owner of Nedley Clinic and Nedley Health Solutions; and many more.New Paragraph
Tell It To The World

"Tell the World" shares the compelling story of a small group of farmers from the northeast region of the United States who would go on to set the foundation of the second return of Jesus Christ as a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Since the 19th century, the revelation of His sure word of prophecy has been at the forefront of matters relating to health, education, communication and Biblical interpretation.

Keepers of the Flame

Dr. Allan Lindsay takes you to locations in Europe, North America and Australia, retelling the stories of faith that led to the emergence of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This documentary reveals the early life of Ellen White and how information given to her in vision guided the emergence of the movement and ultimately the church.

Martin Luther and the Reformation... a documentary by PBS
Part 1 Part 2

The History of the Seventh Day Sabbath

This five-hour documentary traces the history of the Sabbath. Hosted by award-winning actor Hal Holbrook, the series features more than fifty historians, theologians and other experts. Backed up with careful documentation, "The Seventh Day" is an authoritative presentation of the controversy over Saturday and Sunday as Christian days of worship   What is the Sabbath? Host Hal Holbrook takes you on an eye-opening journey through history to explore the seventh-day Sabbath.   Discover how Sunday observance eventually trumped Saturday Sabbath-keeping in the early church, why this controversy is barely known, and the amazing unknown history behind this divine day!

Presented and produced by LLT Productions

Ever wanted to know of the Seventh Day Sabbath is still valid.  Check this video out and decide for yourself.
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